... | @@ -2,10 +2,20 @@ |
... | @@ -2,10 +2,20 @@ |
| ------ | ------ |
| ------ | ------ |
|  | Main components. Additionally, 2 100 Ohm resistors and pin header not in the picture|
|  | Main components. Additionally, 2 100 Ohm resistors and pin header not in the picture|
|  | Pin soldering ESP32 C3 CORE and Air 101 display |
|  | Pin soldering ESP32 C3 CORE and Air 101 display |
|  | Screw the display to the round part |
|  | This is how it looks from the outside|
|  | Wiring scheme|
|  | Wiring scheme|
|  | Wires connected to the ESP32|
|  | Wires connected to the ESP32|
|  | MCP battery charge controller|
|  | MCP battery charge controller|
|  | MCP connections detail|
|  | MCP connections detail|
|  | MCP - switch ON/OFF - USB-C connections|
|  | MCP - switch ON/OFF - USB-C connections|
|  | TBC|
|  | Chassis mounted, except TSL2591 top support and round front (display)|
|  | PCB front, with connections for 3.3V / GND / SCL / SDA|
|  | PCB back, joined pins in the back|
|  | Back side of the device (charge regulator side)|
|  | Solder both white wires to the switch|
|  | Front complete (display, switch and USB-C port)|
|  | top support for TSL2591 with screws and wires|
|  | top support fitted in the upper part|
|  | TBC|