... | @@ -37,5 +37,18 @@ esptool.exe --chip esp32-c3 --port COM99 --baud 921600 write_flash -fs 4MB -fm d |
... | @@ -37,5 +37,18 @@ esptool.exe --chip esp32-c3 --port COM99 --baud 921600 write_flash -fs 4MB -fm d |
# ESP32C3-CORE web upgrade
# ESP32C3-CORE web upgrade
Access to the web interface of your FreeDSM (you can check the IP address in your router or physically access the configuration of the device, "AP information" will tell you the IP). Selecting "Firmware Upgrade" you will see this screen:
To perform a complete upgrade of the FreeDSM, it is mandatory to update the Berry script and the firmware.
Access to the web interface of your FreeDSM (you can check the IP address in your router or physically access the configuration of the device, "AP information" will tell you the IP).
- First: Main Screen, selecting "Consoles" -> "Manage File System" you will see this screen:

Upload the new autoexec.bec using the first button.
- Second: Main Screen, selecting "Firmware Upgrade" you will see this screen:

Check that the url is: https://gitlab.citic.udc.es/lia2-publico/g4s/-/wikis/fw/firmware.bin or simply upload the file in "Upgrade by file upload" |